Friday, May 4, 2012

Money Saving Tip #7

  • Take care of what you have. This was an expensive lesson for me. This winter our furnace stopped working. The repairman took one peek at the furnace filter and gave me a “look.” He asked how often I changed it. Huh, were you supposed to change those?? In seven years I had never changed it…and we have always had pets. Ignorance was my excuse; please don’t let it be yours. Learn from my $1000 mistake! Now I know to replace the 14X25X1 filter every month and will also have the furnace serviced every year in the fall. So get regular oil changes for your car. Keep full-coverage insurance on your vehicle. Get your teeth cleaned every six months. You need to be able to depend on the things you have so you don’t have to spend money later to replace them. This also means doing your best at work. None of us who are employed have the “perfect job” and we’re not guaranteed to have that job tomorrow but we’re lucky to have a job today. Do what you can to maintain that.